Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Family time...from the Heart!

Some of my greatest memories growing up were centered around two things ......FAMILY and FOOD! Family meal times were always a time of fun, reflections and delicious food. Food that MOM and DAD prepared, not from a recipe but from the heart!! Thats called REAL SOUL FOOD!!! Every evening we stopped for a few minutes to give thanks for a safe day and to sit as a family to enjoy time together surrounded by DELICIOUS FOOD. Family time is so very important because it helps to bring about a sense of Unity and Love. What better way to have that time then at dinner time! Do you remember SUNDAY DINNERS!! How can I forget those Sundays of leaving church, then coming home, setting the table and sitting down together at the table which was filled with a SPREAD of food that no BUFFET could challenge. Sundays nights were the best part of my childhood memory. Dad would always prepare some kind of special TREAT for us and then find a family movie to play on the "REEL to REEL". Yes, I said a "REEL TO REEL". We did not need the movie theatre! Dad would simply set up the portable screen and would show us a family movie that he rented from the library for free. Do you remember Swiss Family Robinson, Polly Ann and Polly Anna? What fond memories!!! 

As I begin this blog, I want to challenge every family to take just 15-20 if your day to sit down together and enjoy one meal. I know this is challenging because OUR SCHEDULES are SO very BUSY! But just remember that this time that you are depositing into your family will bring about GREAT WITHDRAWALS at later time. Or maybe you will bring back the Sunday Family Dinner Time at home! Now as a young wife and mother, I have been enjoying cooking for the ENTIRE Family and spending quality time together surrounded by good Southern Style recipes that anyone could make. Stay tuned, because I will sharing some of my favorites recipes, secrets of GOOD HOMEMADE SOUTHERN COOKING and even some family fun ideas. Lets keep of family close and make sweet memories together.

From the Heart,

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